Recycled Runway, creating beautiful fashion | Rebecca Lewis, Women's Portrait photographer, Campbell, New York

You may have heard that I participated in the Recycled Runway Project  last year. It was an event to benefit the Arts Council of the Southern Finger Lakes in Corning, New York.

This year I am so excited and fortunate to be able to participate once more. As many days as I can I have been busy working on creating my latest design since January. 
This years event takes place Saturday, June 4th and starts at 7 p.m. With more designs than last year it is sure to be an exciting evening. 

Just in case you did not see last years creation, here are a few snapshots of my design.

It is titled "Reliquary"

Vintage dress lace removed from old wedding gowns painted gold. 
Beer bottle caps make the perfect settings for sparkling "Jewels" of crushed plastic.

Vintage clock chain and bits of jewelry.

Hand sewn "roses" made from an old plastic tablecloth. Stitched directly to 
old window screen.

Modeled here by Katie.